Saturday, March 30, 2013

Container Gardens....Anywhere..Any way!

An Herb Garden in old crates, on a bench, on a porch.  Read the entire article:

Salad Greens make a great pot.  They only grow to about 6 inches tall, they are full of color, and can be planted close to each other without being over crowded.  Just cut leaves for a salad 1 1/2 inches above the soil and the greens will continue to grow all spring, summer, and fall.  Place pot in full sun during spring and fall and find a more shaded area during the summer so that they don't burn.

Integrate your fruit and veggie garden with an area of your yard where you hang out. When the crops are close at hand, you're much more likely to pluck off an insect pest or give a thirsty plant a drink.
I have Kale growing in a pot on the patio wall and all my herbs lining the wall. I walk out the door and snip fresh herbs.  The only thing you can see in this photo is the large rosemary bush in the background.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Raised Urban Gardens

I found a new blogger to follow.  She has great articles and pictures of her garden all in raised beds!  Here are some of her pictures.  To read more :

I love how her garden is small and managable.  Similar to the garden I am trying to create.  I love these beds raised on legs.  How convienant it would be to plant and weed!!
I couldn't get two boxes into the picture, there were under the roof edge.  My brave daughter went on my roof for this picture - so missing is the converted picnic table of strawberries and the kale/swiss chard and carrots box.
I couldn’t get two boxes into the picture, there were under the roof edge. My brave daughter went on my roof for this picture – so missing is the converted picnic table of strawberries and the kale/swiss chard and carrots box.

these were hard to add in the big picture because they are under the eves of the roof.
these were hard to add in the big picture because they are under the eves of the

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Spring Garden

The garden is finally planted.  After a cold and wet February, we finally got a pretty weekend when we could till the ground and put plants in the ground.  I hope it is not too late for my broccoli, because I planted a lot of it.  I only used two 8x8 boxes.  I put two fresh bags of top soil on each box with fertilizer to maximize the growing space. 
I was able to fit:
12 broccoli
6 Cabbage
6 Red Lettuce
6 Romain
9 Spinach
6 Cauliflower
12 Onions
30 Potatoes
4 Kale
6 Brussel Sprouts

Yeah! I crammed all of that into two 8x8 boxes.  The trick, lots of lose soil so that roots run deep rather than wide.  I also put the plants that I don't need to touch until the whole plant is harvested in the middle (head cabbage and cauliflower). And....then there is the potato discussion.  I had seen lots of different ideas for planting white potatoes on Pintrest.  So, my idea..... I cut five holes directly into a bag of top soil and planted five potatoes.  My hope is that inside the bag, the potatoes will grow and the vines will just grow out the top of the bag and spread  If this works, anyone will be able to plant white potatoes, even on a driveway.  I'll keep you updated.  When we are ready to pull them, we should just be able to open the bag and pull out at least 15 potatoes in each bag.