This is exactly what I wanted. I actually pick out a snap-together, plastic version at Big Lots for $60. (Thanks Mom and Dad!!!!!) Real easy to put together and I did it while Steve was at work - no tools, light weight.
Composting is the next phase to my domestic kingdom. It all started slowly and methodically.
Year One - Summer Garden, water bath canning
Year Two - Spring and Summer Garden, first child born September,
Year Three - Added three apple trees, spring, summer, and fall garden, got a pressure canner
Year Four - Still waiting on my apples, spring, summer, and fall garden and a second child born
Year Five - Still waiting on my apples, spring, summer, and fall garden and now I'm adding my own compost to the mix. I'm hoping I'll have some ready before the year six summer garden!
Where to place a compost bin:
Somewhere that you will never want to move it. Full sun so it can "bake." Far away so you don't smell anything.
What to place in the compost bin:
eggshells, coffee grounds, banana peels, old bread, kitchen scraps, dead garden plants, raked leaves, grass clippings
What NOT to compost:
meat, dairy, other animal based products, weeds
Layer for a Hot Fast Compost:
Create a lasagna alternating between green and brown. Green (grass, plants, kitchen scraps) and Brown (fallen leaves, twigs, wood chips, shredded paper) layers that you can turn with a pitch fork every other week will result in compost within three to six months.
How to start:
Start with a bottom layer of twigs or stems to allow air to flow up from beneath (I also trimmed back my rose bushes yesterday to start my bottom layer of old twigs). Keep it covered. This plastic bin from Big Lots has a snapping lid that has slits in it to allow air and rain in but keeps out the raccoons and the neighbor's cat.