Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The word "Busy"....A Vocabulary Shift

"I'm so busy!" 

     How many times do you catch yourself saying that or hear your peers saying it?   Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, or Oprah Winfrey (who are probably also very busy) all have exactly what we all have = 24 hours every day.  Our most precious natural resources is time.  Once it is gone, it can not be replaced.  
     Let's look at a 7 day week:

There are 168 Hours in a week.
We should be sleeping 8 hours a night to function at top performance, so that's 56 hours.
Most of us work 40 hours a week at a job.
If we save 14 hours a week for eating, that still leaves.......
58 hours left over each week.  What are you doing with your 58 hours that is so busy?

In those 58 hours, are you spending extra time at work? are you with your kids? are you in a car driving? are you taking time out to nurture your spirit and body? are you working in a hobby?

     I'm not writing this blog to coach you on how to pick and plan your extra 58 hours, that would be a much longer entry involving goal setting, a time study of your life, and choices.  My goal is to shift your vocabulary.  Try this for one week.  Every time you are going to say the word "busy," which gives negative and stressful connotations that some people like to wear as a crown "Ohhhhh, I'm too busy to...." , switch to the word "Abundant." Abundant gives off a positive connotation which will in turn present a positive state of mind, resulting in reduced stress.  Abundant also makes you think about the things you are choosing to do with your 58 hours.  Are they bringing you joy?  I doubt anyone could truly to say to a friend, :"I'm too abundant these days to meet you for dinner.  Let's do it in March when I'm not so abundant."  I'm not arguing against a legitimate conflict.  Not being available because you have tickets to the Nutcracker is a choice you made with your 58 hours and is abundant blessings.  I am arguing us to change our vocabulary word and see if it results in a time study.  If you feel you are lying when you switch to the word abundant, then rethink that activity and schedule your abundance.  

Busy = Abundant
            Abundant in choices
            Abundant in people who want and need you.
            Abundant in liberties.

Say it with me, "I am so abundant this holiday season."

You will shift and become more positive and powerful!