Do you wonder "What happened in 2020?" or "Why did 2020 happen?" Put the events of 2020 aside for a moment to reflect on Esther. When she was put into the care of an uncle, then selected to be in the company of the King for a year, then selected to be Queen.....she never knew that any of those events would put her into a place of power.
God's hand is not always obvious in our lives. But, perhaps we have been put in a place for "just a time as this." It's easy to struggle with times and situations, but who knows!
Before Esther made history, she told her uncle that the King could kill her for speaking out of turn. There are 6 principals that Esther embodies that we all need in 2021, the year of the woman! We can emulate these 6 charcteristics in business and in life in 2021 for "such a time as this!"
1. Authority - Walk into 2021 with the authority of the scripture. John 15:15....I do not call you servants any longer, because the serant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.
2. Wisdom - Rely on the WORD for wisdom. My greatest achievement of 2020 was making scripture reading a part of every morning. For 2021, I'm encouraged by a friend to also write the word every morning also.
3. Courage -Step out! If 2021 is going to be your year, it's going to take courage. Courage to ignore the memes saying "Everyone walk in quietly." Courage to shake off everyone saying that 2020 was a horrible year. Courage to be the light for others to see.
4. Boldness - Esther knew the rules. She couldn't enter the King's chambers unless she was called. But, instead, she dressed in her royal gowns and took a huge risk to walk before him.
5. Strength - Women are going to need to lead this year. AND, be a role model for young girls, our girls. How did we model 2020 to our daughters? How will we model 2021
6. Grace - receive it.
SO NOW! Go Esther! What do you do first? Write those bold, couragous, wise, goals:
Habakkuk 2:2 Then the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it.