I'm in a hotel room, 900 miles from home, with no power or running water, located on the 5th floor, I have a rental car that can't go through snow, all flights are canceled for at least 2 days, the external temperature is 23 degrees, and there is ice and snow on the ground.
I have never felt so "stuck" before in my life.
Stuck = helpless, hopeless, confused, conflicted
Do you currently feel stuck?
"Getting unstuck is not easily done," Dr. Seuss, Oh The Places You Will Go.
Getting unstuck is a MIND game. Here is what I found that works.....
1. Let go of the past (or in other words, what you can't change).
2. Chanage your perspective (and your attitude).
3. Take small steps to start.
4. Explore your purpose.
5. Belive in yourself.
6. Practice hope, and humor.
7. Consider a professional.....reach up!
For the record: I took a nap to change my perspective, let go of the knowledge I would "lose" some money, I did a brain dump to explore my purpose and refocus, then I took a small step by zipping my suitcase and saying "Steve, let's go." He was my professional snow driver. And, we made a 19 hour drive home!