50% of 20-29 year-olds suffer from Adult Acne.
25% of 40-49 year-olds suffer from Adult Acne.
Adult acne is more than aesthetic, it's painful and it can scar.
Knowing what type of acne you suffer from also determines how you should treat it.
Acne on the forehead = examine the type of hair products you are using
Acne on the cheek = wash pillowcases more regularly to remove excess oil, and wash face thoroughly.
Acne on the chin = Hormonal Acne...which is more painful, and harder to treat.
This week I launched a free training on "3 Ways to Treat Hormonal Acne Different from Teenage Acne."
1. Try to avoid hormonal treatment. This can lead to even more hormonal irregularities, blood clots, and high blood pressure.
2. Retinoids and Gylcolic Acid are 2 great topical ingredients to work into a comprehensive skincare routine.
3. Overall Skin Health includes washing your face every morning and evening, applying no more than a pea size amount of any product, wearing sunscreen every day, use only noncomedogenic products to reduce the risk of clogging pores, and a diet of non inflammatory foods.
If you would like to know more about Good Skin Health, complete the skin survey and results will be emailed to you.
To join the Facebook Group for Repairing Adult Hormonal Acne in 20 minutes per week, click below: