Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 Tips on how to set goals and get results.

Write it down: Goals are different and unique as we are, and there are no wrong responses.

Time Resources: Do you have the time to put in to achieve what you're after? In order to achieve our goals, we need to set realistic expectations in our businesses and make adjustments, where needed. 

Do The Math: What is it going to take to reach your goal? If the goal is to replace a husband's second job income, what is that number and what does that require? Then, break it down by the numbers and work them into your financial goal.

Break It Down: A quantum leap is not a quantum change, but instead a one percent change or increase that magnifies over time.  Bigger goals can sometimes be paralyzing, so focus just on the next step.

Get to Work: If you want something you've never had before, you have to do something you've never done before.  What will that be?

Share Your Goal: There's real power in telling others what you want to accomplish. Especially on those days you feel like hanging it up. People in your life want you to succeed.

Visualize Your Success: Tape it up!

Don't Stop Until the Buzzer Sounds: So many times, amazing things happen just before you are ready to give up. Work intentionally and consistently and that can pay off in big rewards.

Don't Give Up: If you're successful - congratulations! But it's ok if we don't reach every goal set.  Reach for the moon and land among the stars.  Trust the process. If it's happened for others, it can happen for you.  Don't give up.  Learn from the process - what worked, what didn't and adjust. Next time you'll get it....and then some!

Friday, May 21, 2021

PCOS Meal Prep Tips

 "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!"  How to avoid common obstacles!

With any new eating habit, life will get in the way.  When life gets in the way, frozen pizzas come out! TRUTH!  Get one-step ahead of any predictable barrier to success.  This includes:

1.  Plan out the meals for 1 week alongside your family's schedule: "I was going to make..... but forgot we had baseball" can't come up.

2. Make a grocery list for all the needed items and shop only 1 time per week:  "I was going to cook ....but didn't have any ......" can't happen.

3.  Prep as much on your day off (for me it's Sunday) as possible: "Lunch is my difficult meal because I'm so sick of ......" can't happen.

4.  Meal prep larger meals in 2 days.  Chop one day....cook it the next day...have enough for leftovers: "I get home from work and I'm just too tired to do anything" can't stay in the way.

It might surprise you to learn how common your barriers to success are and why so many people are not successful with diet regimes that require fresh cooking.  Try to anticipate the different problems you have, and come up with a creative way to avoid, eliminate, or mitigate them.  

For more PCOS tips join my group: Repair Adult Hormonal Acne in 20 minutes a week:

Thursday, May 13, 2021

How does Micellar Water change the Skincare industry?

Just 8 years ago, micellar water was a niche insider secret deep within French pharmacies.  It wasn't heard of unless you took a beauty pilgrimage to Paris with an insider.  Since then, this humble water has reached stratospheric heights.....and it's about to get even bigger and you have a chance to get on the rocket ship!

What is Micellar Water? 

"My-sell-or" water is an effective makeup remover.  It's made from purified water to counter the minerals and heavy metals found in tap water and then infused with hydrating ingredients and mild surfactants which break down oils.

How is it different from cleansers?

Other cleansers may strip your skin.  Micellar Water will be much gentler.  It focuses on attracting just the makeup and grime.

How is it different from toners?

It actually looks similar to a toner, BUT the texture will be much thicker than a toner.  The main purpose is to remove makeup.  The purpose of a toner is to rebalance the skin's PH after cleansing.  Toners prep skin before moisturizer and can also exfoliate.

The Rocket Ship is Taking OFF!

This month, we launched a brand new Micellar Water designed to attract impurities, break down makeup, cleanse gently, lightly hydrate...... all with no need to rinse!  Take it on trips, the gym.....

My personal business grew when we released Retinol in January.  I'm ready to see it double again with this simple product.  Not only will it fly out of the warehouse, it's so simple and easy to share...because it's what American Women are currently searching for!

If someone offered you a seat on a rocket ship, do you accept or do you unsubscribe?  To be crystal clear, I see this product as a Rocket Ship for mompreneurs and boss babes.  Of course, I have a full strategy for you to see results in your own business on day 1.  

If you are interested in getting on the Rocket Ship, apply to join my team here:  https://forms.gle/gC6D5y6jBheKArMr6