Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sunday afternoon and a bag of Sweet Potatoes

One bag of sweet potatoes and five we go.

First, to make all of the meals we need cooked, pureed potatoes.  Wash and roast the whole bag at the same time at 400 degrees for about 1 hour.
Allow the potatoes to cool and then peal the skins off by hand or scoop the flesh out with a spoon.
Now they are ready to puree.  You can do this by hand (the hardest way), in a food mill, in a potato ricer, or in a food processor.
Recipe #1:
Slow Cooker Meatloaf.
This is a recipe that I posted on this blog February 2011.  It is easy and very tasty.  It uses 1/2 cup of sweet potato puree per meat loaf.  I want to make four and freeze them so I put 2 cups aside for the meat loaves.
*2012 revelation.  When I made this recipe, Camilla was still on a liquid diet and Mommy and Daddy loved the recipe.  Well, now I have a picky 2 1/2  year old.  So, I made this recipe per the blog.  Then I sliced off a skinny piece and let Camilla cut out an Elmo and Cookie Monster with her new cookie cutters from Williams Sonoma. Then I pan fried the face and decorated with ketchup.
It worked.  She ate Elmo and half of Cookie Monster until she hit the texture of a mushroom.  Reflection: on the next meatloaf I need to puree the entire recipe in the food processor before forming into a loaf in the slow cooker.  This will address all of the texture issues and make it more of a hamburger consistency even though it is full of sweet potato and mushrooms.

Recipe #2:
I used the remaining sweet potatoes for dinner that evening.
Maple Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Once I pureed the potatoes, I placed them into a Crock Pot on low to reheat and added:
1 stick of butter
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon salt
and 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

Stir occasionally and keep warm.
I served this on the side of a roasted flank steak.

Sunday afternoon: Sweet potatoes and flank steak...then put four meatloaves in the freezer.( I know the grammar rule for words that end in F when they become plural change to V.  But, does Meatloaves look right to anyone?)

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