Wednesday, December 15, 2021

How to Reduce the Appearance of Acne Scars


Expert-Approved Tips for Reducing the Appearance of Acne Scars

Acne is never fun.  To add insult to injury, these blemishes can also have lasting effects, even long after the bumps themselves are gone.  Dermatologists call these marks acne scars or hyperpigmentation.  

Why We Scar

Acne scars are visible marks made by a pimple or cyst.  According to Dr. Engelman, there are two types: texture scars and dark marks.  The former involve a change in skin texture, which can result in depressed or raised ridges.  The latter, on the other hand, are not "true scars" - in fact, they are actually post-imflammatory hyperpigmentation caused by cystic acne.


Dr. Engelman suggest using products with salicylic or glycolic acid to aid with cell turnover; this will remove that darkened top layer.  She also recommends using brightening ingredients, like vitamin C which is a lightening product.

Treating textured scars involve resurfacing the skin and promoting cell turnover.  Dr. Engelman notes that effective options include dermarollers and doing deep chemical peels.

But the most important piece of advice she can give when dealing with both types of acne scars is to never pick them.  "You can actually give yourself new scars or worsen existing blemishes by picking at your skin," she concludes.

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