Thursday, April 7, 2011

3 Ways to Save in April

1. Reuse your plastic baggies. I give full credit for this to my friend Kimberly.  She encouraged me to start turning all my plastic bags inside out, wash them, and reuse them. Not only is it better for our environment, but I haven't bought a box of baggies in almost a year now.
Here is a large bag drying with all the other dishes.
2. Credit for this idea goes to my cousin Becky King. I was a little skeptical at first. Designer children's dresses for $20 is still $15 over-priced for my budget. However, last week they had Crocs on sale for $15 for the whole family. Now that is a sale! Rather than just being another discount website, you register with zulily and receive the weekly specials via email. Thus, it is one less website to stalk.

3. Collect coupons for one month. Have you never been a coupon queen before? Well, for one month, clip all coupons for products you currently use. The key is "for products you currently use." Sometimes clipping coupons doesn't save you money because you end up buying products you don't normally need and thus spend extra money. At the end of the month, when Harris Teeter or BiLo have double coupon week, cash in. I'll send an A.P.B. out when this occurs.

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