Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fall Garden Update

As I mentioned in an early post, I am redesigning my garden this year.  I have two beds ready to go so that I can plant the Fall Garden into the new design. I am utilizing 8x8 beds and packing them in for maximum yield and minimum grass. Then, Steve and I are going to allow the grass to grow between the beds with a four foot path so that we can get the lawn mower in there.

In the first 8x8 I planted:
9 Broccoli
6 Cabbage
8 Acorn Squash

In the second 8x8 I planted:
3 cauliflower
8 Butternut Squash
(There is a lot of room left in this bed because I want to buy more cauliflower and brussel sprouts once the garden store restocks this week.)

Camilla go involved with the broccoli plants.  Can I draw your attention to the pink boots and pink leggings!

Here is a look at the two 8x8s.  I outlined the beds in an L shape with the tall plants. Then I saved the bottom corners for my squash seeds. Both Acorn and Butternut Squash (all winter squash) start from seed and grow on vines. So, these will need room to spread and curl around.

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