Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Weekend on The Suburban Farm

Weekends are work!!  Especially when there is a garden involved.  Knowing that Steve and I had a lot to do in the garden this weekend, we took advantage of the cooler temperatures on Friday evening to get started.  Once we put Cam down to bed, we then mowed, "weed eated", and weeded the garden to get a head start.

Saturday, we took turns plowing and raking up grass to prepare two rows for the soon to come fall garden. Steve would work a little while I stayed inside with the baby and then we would take turns. We started where the spring garden was (potatoes and broccoli) and got two rows ready for sweet potatoes.

You can see the space ready for sweet potatoes in front of the okra which is still providing a lot of produce and green beans climbing on a fence. The green beans are almost done.

While I was inside, I also had the front carrier on so Cam could help me can some Tomato Basil Simmer Sauce. This recipe came from Better Homes and Garden and works great with the Summer Meatballs recipe from June 8th, 2011. 
Tomato Basil Simmer Sauce:

I was able to get 7 pts canned and the garden prepared for sweet potatoes all before 12:30 (with Steve's help of course).  Then it was off for family time and  The Band of Oz.
Sunday I had to wear another hat and work at my third job (WS) where I was inspired by Kale!!  We made deep fried Kale.  So, next weekend I will start clearing the space where the corn was in the garden for fall broccoli, spinach, and KALE!
After work I tried a new recipe for Cucumber Bread that was in the Salisbury Post.  I am not impressed.  But, I have some ideas on how to make it better. Once I develop it, I'll share with you!

1. North Carolina actually has a Sweet Potato Commission:
2. North Carolina is the leader in sweet potato production, supplying 40% of the annual US production of sweet potatoes.
3.  This food is low in Sodium, and very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin B6 and Potassium, and a very good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Manganese.
4. It is easy to grow. Plant, make room for the vines to spread, and then harvest in the fall.
5. Sweet Potato Biscuits, Sweet Potato Pie, Sweet Potato Fries, Baked Sweet Potatoes, need I say more??

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