Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pain while sitting....

As I sit here typing, in pain, I dread having to stand back up. Every time I sit to use the bathroom, I fall back on the toilet due to the pain in my legs - fronts and backs.  Because of my workout yesterday, great as it may have been, I am sore in places I did not know existed. 

Why do we do this to ourselves?   The million dollar question......  But, the fact remains, we need to do this to ourselves.  There is a billion dollar market out there that enjoys the pain on our faces as we walk up four steps to the front door.

However, I am making a goal for myself this week (join me if you wish). I am not going to try and "begin a new fitness routine." I am not going to "start a diet on Monday."  Finally, I am not going to "Lose this weight," because of what I do on Monday - Friday.  I am going to find 20 minutes during the next week to become active with the family. Maybe, just maybe, I will find TWO 20 minute windows throughout the week.

Celebrate 20 Minutes!  That is our goal for next week. In 20-25 minutes, I can walk the dog and the stroller for 1.5 miles. That is my goal.  Simple as it may be, I feel that it is the revolution I need.  What will your 20 minutes be??????  Swimming with the kids at the YMCA, walking as they ride their bikes, walking around the field during baseball practice, working out after work before heading home (Carson Teachers!).  Once you have completed your 20 minute goal, post your success here so that we can all read about it and celebrate the 20 minutes!

Coming up next week: Chicken Pot Pie.  Get your can openers ready!

1 comment:

vinocarolina said...

I have a treadmill (which someone gave me a few years ago) and I bribe myself to do 25-30 minutes as often as possible! The bribe? TV time~ I rest my computer on the edge of a piano near the treadmill and watch 30 of a movie from Netflix (only $7.99 per mo). I am going to cancel cable b/c Netflix is so awesome! It's a totally worthy bribe because I rarely sit down and watch TV anymore!