Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Can coffee help you lose weight?

 I found an interesting article yesterday published by Natalie Butler, RDN, LD. (A register dietitian who specializes in food allergies and intolerances, digestive diseases, diabetes, fasting, and nutrigenomics.)  Here were the highlights:

1.  It breaks fat: caffeine consumption promotes the release of the hormone epinephrine, which signals fat cells to break down fat in an attempt to increase available energy.

2.  Promotes thermogenesis: the process of heat generation from food, which increases the body's overall energy expenditure and promotes weight loss.

3.  Increases basal metabolic rate: which means you'll burn more energy than normal in a sedentary state, ONLY in younger and leaner individuals.

4. Suppresses Appetite: great!  Especially helpful if you are during a fasting phase.  Make sure coffee is black during these phases.

Coffee can help you lose weight  - but you also need to eat right and stay active - DUH!  Try not to exceed 4 cups of coffee per day and avoid at least 6 hours before bed.  

So the moral of the story....wake up, drink your black coffee (not your mocha frappuccino), get your day started, and feel great about making healthy choices for the rest of the day.  It has really helped me get through intermittent fasting phases.

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