Monday, December 14, 2020

Getting Control of Cystic Acne...My Top 5!

     Cystic Acne is the most serious type of Acne. It develops when cysts under the skin create painful bumps that will not go away. It is deep within the skin, often times never coming to the surface, and is most likely to cause scaring. Bumps are tender to touch and (in my case) had their own heart rate, lol! They are most noticeable on the face, but I've been known to get them on my chest and back, and one time behind my ear. 

      Due to the severity of this type of acne, and the fact that half of the time it is caused by hormone irregularities in teens or in women with PCOS....cleansers are not enough. I have spent the last 20 years fighting and educating myself about this type of acne. I have had doctors recommend and try many different things. Here are my favorites based on fewest side effects and most results. 

 1. Oral contraceptives are a viable option for cystic acne in some women. This method is especially effective if you tend to develop acne cysts during hormone fluctuations related to your menstrual cycle. Although I hate the idea of birth control as a treatment for PCOS...during my early 20s, it was very effective in getting the cycst under control. Then I stopped the contraceptives (because of all of the other side effects of birth control) and moved onto other forms of maintenance. Therefore, I say again...great treatment for SHORT TERM USE. 

 2. Chemical Peels from a dermatologist including Glycolic acid or Salicylic acid or both. During peak times of bad acne, this is a great treatment. I drove home from college to get these during my 20s. After a peel, you will look like you have a mild sunburn for a few days following treatment. Your skin will peel just as it would following a sunburn. I got 3-4 per year. Search local dermatologists or plastic surgeons near you who perform chemical peels. These will be more potent than peels from an esthetician. 

 3. Chemical Peels at home for maintenance. I found an over the counter chemical peel in Glycolic Acid that I use every Sunday night to stretch out the time between dermatologist visits....and to eventually prevent them with at home maintenance. There are no side effects from the at home peels. When you first apply the "lotion like" cream, it will tingle for about 3-5 minutes, and then allow it to soak in to the skin for at least 12 minutes. You wash off easily with water. Buy Here: 

 4. Topical retinoids are also derived from vitamin A, like Accutane, but do not require a prescription and have fewer side effects. The over the counter version is going to be Retinol. Find a good moisturizer with retinol at night. Because of the vitamin A, you will need to use a day cream with sunscreen because all retinoids make you a little more sensitive to the sun. By itself, retinol or retinoids, are not powerful to fight cysts. But they are good to use as lotions and creams after the skin has been treated. Here is my retinol cream: 

 5. Diet. Although there is still a lot of conflicting information out there about the relationship to diet and acne....I have personally noticed a connection with foods that create insulin inflammation with increased PCOS symptoms. Since cystic acne is often linked to PCOS, by reducing the inflammation in the reduce the body's reaction to it's side effects. Foods that increase insulin resistance are white bread, gluten, sugars, dairy products. Although still uncertain if cutting all of these foods out can/will reduce's not a bad idea to reduce the intake of gluten rich foods, dairy products, and sugars. Your waistline will also benefit. 

 For more support on fitness and wellness from a PCOS Queen, follow my private instagram account @suburbanchallenge.

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